I’ve always been a supporter of equality on all fronts. Working for a woman and minority-owned business, though, has allowed me to dig a bit more into the implicit biases and reasons for companies to have supplier diversity programs. As it turns out, a diversified supply chain leads to greater profit too!\
Click here to read a fantastic article, which highlights all of the great reasons to have a robust supplier diversity program.
Empyrean has been a thriving business since the early 2000’s. We have two operating companies – Empyrean Services (nuclear focused technical consulting and staffing, small business, minority-owned) and The Empyrean Group (technical consulting and staffing, small business, minority and woman-owned).
What differentiates us? Two things: (1) Our bench of experts (executives, engineers, project managers, etc.) number in the thousands, which has turned into an evolving network of former clients, long-standing employees and really… friends, and (2) Our recruiting team is second-to-none. I am amazed how quickly they can fill vital engineering roles or nuclear oversight professionals for our clients!
We are happy to call you part of our network of friends. Please reach out if you would like to learn more or chat about an upcoming project. Thank you!
www.theempyreangroup.com (Non-nuclear)
www.empyreanonline.com (Nuclear)