Empyrean Services CEO to Serve on USNIC Decontamination and Decommissioning Task Force

Empyrean Services CEO, Sushil Jain, has been appointed to become a member of the United States Nuclear Industrial Council’s Decontamination and Decommissioning Task Force.

The United States Nuclear Industry Council (USNIC)  D&D Task Force (DTF) obtains and provides information to NIC membership, and others as appropriate, through USNIC’s Back End Working Group (BEWG).  The purpose of this information is to:

  1. Increase NIC membership awareness and understanding of current trends and decisions regarding D&D processes and activities in the United States;

  2. Clarify NIC organizational positions to serve as a foundation for public D&D engagement and education;

  3. Facilitate decision-making by the industry and by relevant stakeholders associated with D&D processes and activities;

  4. Facilitate dialogue with legislative and regulatory representatives to support effective D&D rulemaking, e.g., for increased cost certainty, clear final site/survey release criteria, and long-term ISFSI monitoring strategies; and

  5. Support activities and events that further USNIC’s educational mission on matters related to NPP decommissioning.